FLG9_1.0 Details


Dataset Name:


Date Added:

January 30, 2007

Contributed By:

Adam Dick    
  850 Polygons, 10000 Hectares

The FLG datasets were developed using the FLG (Forest Landscape Generator) Tool. The Tool is available for download on the FMOS Site ( and is described in Paradis, G., Richards, E.W. FLG: A Forest Landscape Generator. CORS-SCRO Bulletin 35[3]. 2001. Canadian Operational Research Society. 7-1-0002. The the spatial characteristics of the datasets were used in Gunn E.A., Richards E.W. Solving the adjacency problem with stand-centred constraints,Can. J. For. Res. 35: 832–842 (2005). Age class scenarios were assigned and yield curves were derived from the NBCL5 forest management plan.


Making a Significant Difference