Shulkell_New Details

Location: Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada 
134 road segments
Updated October, 2012 by E. W. Richards. Contact [email protected]

Note: Timber volumes were artificially assigned and may not represent the actual stand characteristics.

Data files:

All data is in the workbook ShulkellData.xlsx. Individual sheets are also available as text files.

1.     ShulkellStandData.txt

o    Fields: Stand #,Area (acres),Ageclass,Site Index, Road Link Required,Current Volume (cubic feet/Acre),Current Volume (cubic metres/hectare),

o    Stand # corresponds to GIS polygon id

o    Ageclasses are 5-years

o    Site index predicts volume growth (refer to maidata)

o    Road Link required is a near access road that must be built before the stand can be harvested , and corresponds to the GIS line id.

2.     Shulkell.roads.txt

o    Fields: Road Link Number, Start Node, Endnode, Length (m)

3.     Shulkell.maidata.txt

o    Data based on Nova Scotia yield data for softwoods, calculated from

o    Fields: Index, land class, Ageclass of Max Mai, Mean annual increment (cu ft/acre/yr) at each ageclass 1 - 22.

o    Note: mean annual increments calculated for these stands and for this region, simplified to assume all stands are softwood stands

4.     Shulkell.VolumeProjected.txt

o    1. Data is stand volume in cubic feet.

o    2. All stands assumed to be 100% stocked.

o    3. Ageclasses are five year periods.

o    4. Data calculated by Rachel St. John

5.     Shulkell.adj.txt

o    This file contains the adjacent stand list for the forest. The first entry in each line is the number of adjacencies, followed by the stand number, followed by the list of adjacent stands.

GIS Data

FOREST.*, Mainroads.*, Roadlink.*

o    These are ArcView GIS shapefiles - the project file, the stands, the existing main roads, and the potential road segments that could be constructed.


Dataset Name:


Date Added:

October 25, 2012

Contributed By:

Evelyn Richards    
  1039 Polygons, 4499 Hectares